South Georgia Insider
South Georgia Insider
Introducing South Georgia Insider
Welcome to the South Georgia Insider Podcast. This is our first episode of many more to come and I am thrilled that you are part of the conversation. In each episode we will chat with business and civic leaders and community influencers about the exciting—and sometimes challenging things happening throughout South Georgia.
Topics will range from business and manufacturing to entrepreneurship and rural prosperity, economic development, agriculture, education, healthcare, tourism, and the arts.
As we work to continue to move South Georgia forward, I invite you to join the conversation. Start by subscribing to this podcast and leave a review.
Join us next time as we continue to highlight why South Georgia is a great place to live, work, and play.
Subscribe to the South Georgia Business Magazine and South Georgia Insider (monthly e-newsletter), both available at no charge.
Thanks to our sponsor Smalltown Broadcasting and WDDQ home of the Scott James Matheson Show. listen to live from 6 a.m to 9 a.m., Monday through Friday on Talk 92.1 http://talk921.com/ or through the TuneIn app https://tunein.com/radio/Talk-921
Show producer: Spencer Van Horn, Smalltown Broadcasting