South Georgia Insider
South Georgia Insider
Kristin Hanna: Boys and Girls Club of Valdosta
In this episode, we’re talking to Kristin Hanna, vice president for marketing and development of the Boys and Girls Club of Valdosta.
For 76 years, the Boys & Girls Club of Valdosta has been fulfilling its mission to enable young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.
The club’s mission spans five locations, including a new $4.5 million facility that opened in Brooks County.
More than an afterschool program, the Boys and Girls Club of Valdosta operates under three pillars of success: Academics, Character and Leadership, and a Healthy Lifestyle.
Academic Success:
While serving approximately 1,000 school-aged children at its five locations, the club is focused on making sure the students are up-to-date on their academic curriculum. This is achieved through various programs to help students complete their homework and gain curriculum enrichment.
Character and Leadership
More than academic success, the Boys and Girls is focused on developing confident future leaders for the community. Part of this includes emphasis on strengthening soft skills and workforce skills.
Healthy Lifestyle
Partnering with Second Harvest of South Georgia Kid’s Café, children at the Boys and Girls club are provided a hot meal before heading home. Each year, through the Kid’s Café, approximately 140,000 meals are provided to children at the Boys and Girls club.
Hanna says all the programs and activities seek to provide children a safe place to learn and grow.
Join us next time as we continue to promote South Georgia as a great place to live, work, play, and visit.
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South Georgia Insider is produced by Spencer Van Horn, Smalltown Broadcasting.